
Main Provisions

By accepting this Agreement and leaving their data on the inword.ru website, (hereinafter referred to as the Site), by filling out online application fields (checkout) the User:

– Confirms that the personal data specified by him belongs to him personally; acknowledges and confirms that he has carefully and fully read this Agreement and the terms of processing of his personal data contained therein, indicated by him in the fields of the online application (registration) on the Site;

– Acknowledges and confirms that he understands all the provisions of this Agreement and the terms of processing of his personal data;

– Agrees to the processing of personal data provided by the Site for the purposes of the User’s registration on the Site;

– Agrees to the terms of processing of personal data without any reservations or limitations.

The User gives his consent to the processing of his personal data, namely the performance of the actions stipulated in Par. 3, Pt. 1, Art. 3 of the Federal Law dated 27.07.2006 N 152-FZ “On Personal Data”, and confirms that by giving such consent he acts of his own free will and in his own interest. User’s consent to the processing of personal data is specific, informed and conscious.

This User’s consent applies to the processing of the following personal data:

– Surname, first name, patronymic;

– Telephone numbers;

– E-mail addresses (E-mail).

The user grants InWord the right to perform the following actions (operations) with personal data:

– Collection and accumulation;

– Storage for the statutory retention periods, but not less than three years, from the date the User terminates the contract of using the Site’s services;

– Specification (updating, amendments);

– Using for the purposes of the User’s registration on the Site;

– Termination;

– Transfering by court order, including to third parties, subject to measures to ensure the protection of personal data from unauthorized access.

This consent is valid indefinitely from the date of the data and may be revoked by filing an application to the administration of the Site with the data specified in Art. 14 of the Law “On Personal Data”.

The consent to the processing of personal data may be withdrawn by sending a written request to the e-mail address (E-mail) contact@inword.ru.

The site is not responsible for any third party’s use (either legal or illegal) of the information posted by User on the Site, including its reproduction and distribution, carried out by all possible means. The Site has the right to make amendments to this Agreement. The date of the last update shall be specified when making amendments in the current edition. The new edition of the Agreement comes into force from the moment of its posting, unless otherwise stipulated by the new edition of the Agreement.

The current version is always available at: inword.ru/privacy-policy This Agreement and the relationship between the User and the Site, arising in connection with the application of the Agreement shall be subject to the substantive and procedural law of the Russian Federation.


This Privacy Policy was last updated on August 08, 2022. If there are any updates, amendments or changes in our Privacy Policy, they will be published on this page.

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