ГлавнаяConsecutive Interpreting
Consecutive Interpretation during meetings
About the service

What is Consecutive Interpreting?

Consecutive interpreting is a type of oral translation performed step by step. Interpreter listens to the speaker in one language, takes notes and transfers his words into the other language. Consecutive interpreting is used during events that require interpretation on specific stages such as presentations, talks, conferences, etc.

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Our prices

We offer some of the best prices in the industry.

  • from 2000 ₽ per hour
Features and benefits

Why should you choose us?

We offer professional consecutive interpretation services for our clients. Our team of professional interpreters is well-experienced in working at the events of varying complexity and possesses a great level of language knowledge. We guarantee precise and qualitative translation during all stages of the event.

More services for you

Simultaneous Interpreting

Where can Consecutive Interpreting be applied?

We offer consecutive interpreting services for various events such as:

  • Presentations;
  • Negotiations;
  • Business meetings;
  • Conferences;
  • Webinars;
  • and many others.

We offer high-quality service using advanced equipment in order to guarantee our clients top quality of sound and flawless work of interpreters during the event.

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